Economics and Human Rights


From the book by Andrey Sokolov, "Economics and Human Rights"

"Economics and Human Rights" is a book about how the observance of human rights affects the economy.

Quantocracy is the future of humanity.

All types of government, all socio-legal formations, gradually replace each other. Now the generally accepted point of view is that democracy is the highest, at the moment, stage in the development of social relations. However, no one invented democracy either. It appeared as a result of the development of society and human relationships. Perhaps now is the time to move on to a new form of social relations - quantocracy.

If the forms of government have changed so far, then there is no reason to believe that democracy is the best and eternal. And if these forms were changing from one-man management to consensus forms of government, then democracy should be replaced by a kind of greater democracy, a kind of quantocracy.

What is a quantum here?

Quantum is a unit of measurement for humanity. Namely - one person. But the point, of course, is not the name.

Let's look at examples of an already existing quantocracy.

Tourist hike. People of different professions, simply different people, get together for a certain period of time to complete and implement the task they have invented. It is possible that the benefits of this case will only be for them, but as we can remember, something similar was with Columbus and Nansen ... it is just a matter of scope and purpose. Let's call this the scale of the perturbation, since we're talking about quanta.

Another example is a school or amateur performance. Children or adults, parents and teachers are taking on new roles. It is important that these roles are temporary. After the end of the performance, having amused the audience, everyone again becomes students, parents, teachers.

The simplest and most vivid example of quantocracy is children's games, when an unfamiliar team gathers and there is a ball or a pool, or a constructor ... We got together, created a game, dispersed. It is important that both children and adults create special rules (laws) within the project, which they follow throughout the project.

Quants can gather for a rally or a referendum to resolve a political or economic issue, gather in a group to extinguish a forest fire or help victims of a natural disaster. Crowdfunding is one of the clearest examples of quantocracy.

A distinctive feature of all these examples is that a team of interested people gathers to solve the problem (and only interested people - this is important!). Without bored clerks, power-hungry and dull-witted bosses, evil watchmen. And without the authorities, without the state. They simply cannot be in the project - they are not interested in it. And those who are interested in the project set a problem and solve it. Then they go in different directions to solve new problems in new groups. In a way, a part of the business is already working this way, creating such options for business relationships as outsourcing, offshore programming or freelancing.

Another distinctive feature of quantocracy is that in these relationships there is virtually no room left for the state, for power, for inadequate laws. This proves the archaism of the state in the form that it has now. The development of society led to the transformation of feudalism into democracy. In the same way, the development of society leads to the transformation of democracy into a quantum democracy. The development of society causes the transformation of power, the transformation of the state as an institution.

The history of mankind is the history of the development of power. Power in democracies belongs to the society represented by the representatives of this society in parliament. In a quantocracy, the bearer of all the fullness of power is one person, one quantum.
All power is concentrated in one quantum, i.e. in a person who is free and powerful to decide which group or project to join now and which later. Or not to enter. There is no more power. Yes, she is not needed.

There is no other authority than the will of people voluntarily engaged in an offshore programming project or any other virtual business? A Chinese communist programmer, together with a Buddhist Hindu designer, an atheist marketer from Russia and a Democrat journalist from America, are solving the problem of creating a web project. In solving this problem, neither laws nor the authorities of these countries are needed and do not participate. And they cannot participate, because the customer is located offshore, and from there pays for the work with cryptocurrency.

At the same time, physically all project participants can be outside their countries. They can even migrate permanently around the world from one visa-free zone to another. Teach children at home or online. They do not need the countries, but the countries need them. For where they feel comfortable, they will stay late and spend more money.

Previously, this was only available to wealthy heirs. Now - a fairly significant part of the middle class, specialists.

Communication and globalization destroy any power as an instrument of coercion and suppression. Power in today's and past understanding is becoming useless, parasitic, superfluous and unnecessary.

But the authorities are slowly realizing themselves that if they want to somehow survive, they need to become more and more invisible.

The example is obvious. A couple of centuries ago, there were omnipotent kings who single-handedly ruled over countries, peoples, and ethnic groups. And now ... In America, the president is supervised by Congress, the media, the court. In China, instead of one emperor, a cabinet of nine ... In Europe - the EU. All presidents have shared a little of their power, governments and countries have sacrificed sovereignty. For what? So that the driver of a private personal truck does not hang out at customs and does not waste time at border crossings. So that he makes money faster. To be better off. So that the authorities and states interfere less with him. So Europe has partially abolished states.

Perhaps in creating the EU, smart economists did not think about the truck driver. But it just so happened that in an attempt to survive and maintain power, the Europeans had to do what the quantum needed - the truck driver.

Of course, the countries only united, but at the same time they eliminated border guards and customs officers, for the maintenance of which the truck driver paid taxes ...

The driver now notices where he is only by changing the font on the road signs. For him personally, France and Germany merged into one space, not separated by a fence. And he can work not in Spain, where he was born, but in Italy, because he likes living in Venice better. And all these European states turned into regions, states, provinces ...

The people who invented a united Europe, who united the Old World into a new state formation, are some of the greatest politicians in history. And this all happened only a few decades after the First and Second World Wars.

And now it is peaceful in Europe. And this is another plus of the destruction, weakening of one separate state, the destruction of borders and cordons.

Germany merged with France. Italy does not quarrel or fight with Greece. And the regimes of Hitler, Mussolini and Franco are forever only history.

Could it have been assumed that the EU would emerge in 1942? Or forty-fifth? Or in the seventies? And that it will be possible to get from Latvia to Portugal without visas and outposts? (This means from the USSR of the seventies, through the NATO countries to the edge of Europe).

What prevents further enlargement of the EU and Schengen from being assumed? And one is unthinkable without the other. Moreover, for the truck driver, for the quantum, the Schengen is more important than the EU. The absence of borders is more important, and the border is the first attribute of the state.

Let's remember that a truck driver is one of the main screws, quanta of trade, quanta of the economy. And this quantum requires states to expand Schengen, eliminate borders. And there are no wars. For a war always starts from abroad, which does not suit this or that sovereign.

It is important to track the dynamics in order to understand the development vector. And the dynamics are as follows. The fortieth year is the war, the seventieth is the cold war. Two thousandth - no boundaries.

So what's stopping you from expanding Schengen and the EU to the Pacific Ocean? Governments and their lust for power. Why does a truck driver need a government that prevents him from feeding his family?

The transformation is inevitable. It's not even the pressure of truck drivers or the best minds. Most likely, it is the self-preservation instinct of power.

What does a person need? Live. To do this, he goes to work and creates something. This is something someone needs for life, and he acquires this something, giving the first resources for life. And so on along the chain.

What does it take to create something? Head, arms and sometimes helpers.

Everything else only hinders creation.

The farmer creates food alone (or with helpers). The programmer writes the program alone or with partners. You can enlarge the scale, for example, an architect and assistants are building a house. But the essence remains the same.

Let's see what is happening in the economy. There are one or two people who start to create something in "their garage". It turns out Ford, Microsoft, Google ...

And if a quantum has an idea, then for its implementation it either does not need anyone, or it needs partners-quanta. They can live in the neighborhood, or they can live on the other side of the globe.

In the twentieth century, finding a partner has become much easier than in the nineteenth. There was a telephone and the Internet.

But apart from brains, hands, partners, resources, a quantum does not need anyone. He needs the state and borders in the last place. For example, a sheriff is needed, but the rest of the freeloaders - the army, government, deputies, ministers, watchmen, guards, border guards, special services - are often not needed.

And if you remove unnecessary add-ons, only a handful of quanta will remain, busily building their projects.

Many economists, including Milton Friedman and Friedrich von Hayek, wrote about the need to remove state control over the economy and people's lives.

Herbert Spesser, for example, "postulated a radical reduction in the number of bureaucrats and, in the long term, the elimination of the state." He believed that "the state is needed only in the transitional phase in order to ensure" equal freedom "for all members of society." He predicted that "in the future, the role of the state as an organ of coercion will disappear and will be replaced by ordinary cooperation."

Even David Hume, Adam Ferguson and Adam Smith gave an idea of ​​civil society (civil society) as independent from the state. "According to their views, civil society is a completely individualized and non-coercive relationship, while the essence of the state is in social and political relations."

Herbert Spesser wrote: “The transformation of the land into a cleared, hedged, drained and covered with agricultural implements (devices) fertile surface was due to people who worked for their own benefit, and not by law. ... due to the desire of man to satisfy his desires, villages, towns and cities have grown imperceptibly ... as a result of spontaneous cooperation of citizens, canals, railways, telegraph lines and other means of communication and transportation were built. ... Knowledge that has grown into a science that has become so rich in information volume that no one can comprehend even a small fraction of it and which now completely manages production activities, appeared due to the work of individuals, motivated not by a governing body, but acting according to their own preferences. … And this is being replaced by countless companies, associations, unions, societies, clubs, philanthropy, culture, arts, entertainment, as well as many institutions receiving millions annually through donations and contributions - all of this came from the voluntary cooperation of citizens. Yet almost everyone is still so mesmerized by the close attention to the activities of ministers and parliaments that no one manages to notice this amazing self-organization, which has been growing for thousands of years without the help of the state, even more so, despite the obstacles from the state. "

“The idea that the individual is the basic element of society emerged slowly ... This idea was first spread by the Dutchman Bernard de Mandeville in a book published in 1714 under the title“ The Fable of the Bees, or Private Vices, public good ”. Mandeville was a medical doctor, philosopher and satirist. He spent most of his life in London. He showed that the spread of stable social institutions such as law, language, market, knowledge is the result of spontaneous development, the result of individual, independent and non-violent actions of all members of society. According to Mandeville, a person's natural selfish behavior, his greed and desire for enrichment accelerate economic development and make society richer. "

According to the Russian economist Vladislav Inozemtsev: “If we talk in general about the character of the new century, then this is an age of extraordinary individualism. Governments and corporations will lose their ability to control people ... Corporations cannot resist startups that are created by several people. Soon we will see individual entrepreneurs engaged in genetic engineering ... People will no longer feel the need for structures that have existed for centuries: it will be possible to live and operate completely calmly not only outside corporations, but also outside states. The arrival of a "sovereign individual" instead of a "sovereign state" is the main change ... "

Vladislav Inozemtsev also believes that “... when people change the system of value guidelines and stop putting the issues of money, income, well-being in the forefront, when they break away from stationary jobs, offices (and this is where it goes, this is already happening), how it will be possible to influence them? What can a ... state do with ... a citizen when he leaves for ... and makes money on the Internet there? .. Result: the most advanced taxpayers will leave, and those who are dumber and who are less initiative will remain. The wealth makers will leave - the freeloaders will remain. "

Quantocracy is not even the power of quanta, since the quanta do not really need power. Quantocracy is rather the activity of quanta. The activity of the smallest particle of society - the individual. Individual people. Thus, Quantocracy destroys the very principle of power - violence and coercion. It destroys the concept, the very essence of power, splitting it into small fragments and transforming it into voluntary agreements.

If we recall quantum physics, then quanta are activated, then in one place, then in another place. They do not freeze in peaks, but, having done their job, go to a new place to create new activity. And as a result, we have absolutely everything that surrounds us. All. From a tree to a fountain pen, these are all the results of the interaction of quanta. Chaotic interaction when viewed from the outside and completely monumental in the end.

Many people are acting in the same way now. They gather in groups according to their interests and goals, carry out a project and break up, going to another place or to another group, to another project.

The state constantly restricts people's freedom. And people are looking for ways to get around these stupid restrictions. And, of course, they succeed. Like quanta in physics, people can easily bypass state walls and barriers.

In developed democracies, as a result of the active actions of people-quanta, there has been a significant destruction of borders. And not only in Europe. There are no borders between states in the United States, and after all, every state is a state. State - with its own laws and authorities.

It was as a result of bypassing state walls that business created transcontinental corporations. And everything would be fine, but they, destroying state borders, built their own - corporate, creating intercontinental states.

Quantocracy is gradually replacing democracy, just as an industrial society is gradually being replaced by a post-industrial one.
At the same time, a huge number of people already live in the quantum system. The hippie movement and the underground in general are also variants of quantocracy.

Actually, Quantocracy was born a long time ago, along with free enterprise and private property.

Only the lack of resources - food, money, freedom of information, opportunities for information exchange, lack of technology - prevented her from developing.

There is no shortage now.

With a full-fledged quantocracy, anyone can find a job to their liking anywhere in the world, and there is nothing that could prevent him from carrying out this business.

In fact, nothing holds the quantum on either side of the border. Those. the border for the quantum is almost transparent. Almost, because some immigrants have certain problems. Solved, of course. But this takes a huge amount of energy and resources. Wasted without any benefit, idle, instead of creating goods and services.

Why can a person find a job to their liking under a quantocracy? Because information technology makes it possible to notify quanta anywhere in the world about a new project. Moreover, to notify just the interested quanta, i.e. interested people.

A huge number of people are embittered and unhappy just because they have not found their place in life, a matter to their liking. Many have changed an interesting business for a money one. But you can hardly live in a paper house of your million, eat this million, and make love to it. Because money is just a resource for something that is of interest to a quantum. Not a goal. It is important. The goal is the thing you like. Money is a resource received or not in the process of this business.

What prevented people from finding a case? Borders, brakes, frames.

Each person has a talent, and its realization is based on information, on freedom.

Freedom from borders and frameworks, from hunger and poverty, homelessness.

And there is enough money in the world to feed and shelter those who are hungry and homeless. Especially if you get savings from under the state cushion, reduce the staff of regulatory officials. And if officials, inspectors begin to build, grow, create, then there will be more food, material goods, houses than 7 billion people need.

The government spends a lot of money, taxpayers' money, on one task that is completely unnecessary for taxpayers. Power spends them on maintaining power. How many houses could be built, food grown, if funds were spent not on law enforcement agencies and officials, but on peasants and builders?

The world already has enough of everything. Only the distribution principle is lame.

There is enough food and shelter in the world for all people to be well fed and to sleep warmly.

There is enough money and other resources in the world to embody the idea of ​​any person. It is important that this idea be interesting to others. Or maybe not very important.

If a person is fed up and understands that the main thing is Business, then he is not chasing money for a Ferrari. If a person does a Cause well, he doesn't need a Ferrari to splurge on others. He already feels comfortable.

What prevents quanta and groups of quanta from creating, building, creating now? Bureaucracy of all stripes, because the justification of its existence is only in the illusion of regulation, i.e. in a certain percentage of refusals and prohibitions, the meaning of which is not clear to anyone, including the bureaucrat, but his instinct for self-preservation forces him to come up with various restrictions for quanta.

The state, as an official cover, a roof for the bureaucracy. The state as a system of coercion for the sake of coercion. The state as a system of borders and restrictions for the sake of borders and restrictions.

Any physicist will confirm that quantum systems are extremely stable, despite the seeming chaos and unpredictability.

But the quanta have no state. The state is a corporation in reverse. The employer, boss, employer, and employee have perversely swapped places.

In a firm, the boss pays the workers' wages. He's an employer. In the state, the workers pay the leaders, because taxes are the wages of statesmen - from officials to the army. In the state, employers are the entire people, all voters, all taxpayers.

But if the employee is bad, then the boss of the company will cut his salary or fire him. In a democracy, an official and others can be fired at the very least. But this is once every few years and with a creak. But people are not stupid and they decide that since the statesmen or the police they have hired are working badly now, they must immediately cut their salaries, i.e. stop paying taxes. Elementary logic. Why pay a bad manager's salary, even if he is a president? He should be fired and not paid. The only way for a taxpayer to cut the salary of an official is to hide income from taxation, stop paying part of the taxes, take the business offshore, thereby stopping paying salaries to officials.

In a quantocracy, it is the quantum that determines how much to pay for each public service. And so we return to the "receipts" mentioned in the "taxs" chapter of this book.

Now in the world, about 56% of countries are governed by democratic means, which means they have every chance of improvement and transformation into a quantocracy.

What steps do countries need to take to achieve the next stage of economic development and to improve the well-being of their inhabitants.

Cancel any certifications, licenses, permits, bureaucratic checks, qualifications and other bureaucratic examinations. The recruitment of a person and the determination of his qualifications is the sole responsibility of the employer. The quality of goods and services is determined not by pieces of paper, but by demand from buyers. The market and the people themselves will figure out what is good and what is bad. And they will choose the best. Without specifying the role of a civil servant.

And ... this is not a utopia. This is an inevitable future.

All this will release huge financial and human resources for creation, as well as the creative energy of people.

Where will all these former officials, who have suddenly become unnecessary, go? It is likely that the former deputies will succeed in organizing brothels, the former security officials, of course, will have gun shops, shooting galleries, shooting clubs and gun shops. Licensing officials are likely to find themselves in the pharmacy business or the legal drug trade. However, there are many products where they can act as independent consultants and even create private expert laboratories. Former employees of migration services will be in demand in integration companies - language courses, legal consulting for immigrants, etc. There is work for everyone. And most importantly, everyone will finally be able to find a job that they will enjoy. Perhaps someone will quit their job altogether and will grow flowers in the country. And it will be more useful for the economy than when he was sitting in his office and then forbade something, then something regulated.