Scarcity and abundance

Artificial deficits

From the book by Andrey Sokolov "Scarcity and abundance".

Artificial deficits

Just as a person himself can control his life with the help of the concepts of scarcity and abundance, the person himself is constantly manipulated and controlled by others using the same mechanisms.

In one case, for example, in the case of advertising, a person is created a sense of scarcity. It is a sensation, for in reality it is quite possible that there is no deficit.

In another case, in the case of the authorities, the deficit is created real, not imaginary. The authorities often use scarcity (for some reason, it is always scarcity, not abundance) to manage people.

The simplest example is a prison. A place where there is always a shortage, starting from a shortage of fresh air, information, communication, freedom (at least freedom of movement). And a person is ready to do nasty things literally for a breath of fresh air.

Outside the prison walls, things are about the same. A huge number of people are deficient in money. And this does not happen for any objective reasons. This is a deliberate and purposeful action by the authorities. As soon as a person or a group of people, or a business find a source of additional money, the authorities immediately come running and tax this source.

In totalitarian societies, scarcity is used as a system of management most rigidly and consistently. Starting from the creation of a famine - an artificial famine in a number of areas that are not loyal to the authorities, and ending with a banal shortage of toilet paper, sausage, good books, and cars.

Since we already know that the authorities strive to keep a person in the deficit zone in order to force him to act in a way that is beneficial to the authorities, but not as beneficial to the person himself, it is not at all surprising that the authorities are trying to prevent the free movement of people from country to country. ...

And the authorities can say whatever they want about this, worry about the "public good" and claim that they are protecting the interests of the person. All of these conversations and arguments are lies, the only purpose of which is to keep a person in a deficit state favorable for manipulation.

Because it is more difficult to manage people, or rather to manipulate people who are in the zone of abundance, than people who are in a state of scarcity.

It is the desire to keep people in the deficit zone that leads to the restrictions invented by the authorities.

It is the desire to rule and control people that lies at the heart of religious restrictions. It is the desire to create artificial scarcity that underlies any policy of prohibitions and permits.

The shortage of food, artificially created by the Bolsheviks, led at the beginning of the 20th century to the fact that people were ready to carry out any order "for food." Like trained animals in a circus.

Constantly increasing taxes make it difficult for people to get rid of the money deficit.

The licensing of teachers does not improve the quality of the work of these specialists. Otherwise, there would be no bad teachers. After all, absolutely all bad teachers are certified and licensed. But it leads to a shortage of good teachers, to a decrease in competition in the profession.

All religions manipulate the fear of hell (or equivalent) and impose bans on people's daily activities - food, clothing, etc. A sort of "big brother" who watches you day and night and threatens with hell. And it is impossible to avoid this "hell" even theoretically (unless of course to reason sensibly) - there are too many restrictions, rules and prohibitions.

A common method of manipulation by the state is the ephemeral concept of "concern for the public good."

How does the "public good" increase scarcity? Everything is extremely simple. "Taking care" of the "public good" the state takes away from people resources - money and freedoms. And then he distributes both. But a significant part of both money and freedoms disappears with this distribution. And it's not even theft. Such a mechanism requires the creation of rules and regulations - they restrict freedom. And people who distribute the "good" spend part of the money on their salaries and other expenses. As a result, even in efficient economies, such withdrawal and distribution results in the loss of half of the collected money.

Those. the result is less money. In pursuit of the "public good", the state has increased the deficit, both among residents and in the budget.

And the more public goods, the greater the deficit. Those who lived in the USSR are familiar with this. Everything was in short supply in the USSR. Everything. At the same time, there were many extremely low-quality "public goods".

Since there was no objective comparison, propaganda clichés about "better education", "better science", "better health care" worked well. The amazing thing is that they still work, firmly seated in many heads.

Another favorite government deficit is security. Be it an external enemy or some category of citizens within the country. The state creates the illusion of a lack of security, manipulates fear, which allows it to take more money and freedoms from people.

It does not matter at all, in this case, whether the cause of the fear is real or is inflated by the state for the purpose of manipulation. It is important that instead of reducing the security deficit on its own, the state does it at someone else's expense. As a result, people become poorer, fences and barriers grow around them. Freedom is getting smaller. Less abundance. The deficit is greater.

This leads to economic and political crises, which are based on the desire to solve their problems by increasing the deficit of other people.

Each person can control his or her life. Have power over your life. But the state also wants power over people and takes away from each person a part of his power. Those. a person's ability to manage his life is in a deficit zone. In different countries it is different, but equally inevitable.

Power takes away the possibility of abundance from a person. For his power over his life.

One of the classic manipulations of power is the division of people into tribes, religions, nations, races, etc. The benefit of such a division is only for the ruler, who receives in his possession a certain number of inhabitants who are in his slavery to one degree or another. And do not be under the illusion that this is not so. Slaves work without pay. Slaves pay taxes without controlling their spending.

At all. Slaves pay taxes and tribute. Free people pay for goods and services. What they need and worthy of quality. Who has seen a ruler selling quality services or goods?

Thus, the division of people into countries, nations, religions brings more harm to all people. Except for villains and rulers.

In any case, it is hardly possible to see at least some benefit for people in this.

There is a species of Homo sapiens. And any intraspecific devouring does not benefit the species. Only to the authorities parasitizing on people.

The win-win position completely contradicts such a division of Homo sapiens on any grounds. Although, perhaps the adjective "sapiens" is just the beginning of a discussion or an advance.

Is there anything you can do about it?

Sure. Laws are invented and implemented by people. And people change too.

The Soviet Union actively used the lack of information to manage people. The Internet has put an end to this.

All countries, without exception, use national currencies and taxes to manage people, keeping them in a deficit zone. Cryptocurrencies are likely to put an end to this or severely weaken the power of the authorities. Therefore, the authorities resist them.

And the power, in fact, entirely depends on the inhabitants. And if residents feel some kind of general deficit, then it is necessary either to change the country or change the government.

Although our goal is to give a person an algorithm to achieve satisfaction with his life, the same method can be extended to the state. After all, in the final analysis, the well-being of a state is a simple aggregate of the satisfaction of the inhabitants of this state with their lives.

The authorities who think about increasing the budget and taxes are like a rich man who has little money all the time. And little, as we found out above, because this rich man is chasing the imaginary concepts of "prestige", "better than everyone else", "like everyone else" and does not analyze his real needs.

The state should also constantly look for an "extra" official and cut him off. Everyday. Let an official, if he knows how to effectively manage, manage a business and increase wealth, create something, and not spend money earned by others.

And if he does not know how to manage effectively, then let him work as a janitor.

And it immediately turns out that taxes can be cut in half, leaving this money to residents. They will be able to dispose of them much better than the state.