Control your destiny!
From the book by Andrey Sokolov "Scarcity and abundance".
Control your destiny!
How to manage scarcity and abundance?
One of the major challenges is not only scheduling and categorizing intelligently for the Y-axis, but also realizing your personal deficits and abundances.
It's important to ask yourself:
Is the fact that I am constantly playing in the yard a necessity and is it so important for solving my deficits? Or is it because I lack love at home? And if so, then maybe I don't need to spend so much time on football, but I need to spend time on finding and creating love?
Am I really being treated unfairly, or am I experiencing a lack of knowledge and should I spend my energy on obtaining additional knowledge, an abundance of knowledge, and not wasting time on complaints, envy and other unconstructive and destructive, ultimately, actions?
All this may seem complicated or even unnecessary, but either the person himself controls his life, or it is controlled from the outside and against his desires.
After all, when we are experiencing a lack of heat, we dress warmer, make a fire, turn on electric heaters. And if we are experiencing a lack of coolness, then we try to keep in the shade or climb into the pool. So what prevents us, apart from ourselves, in all aspects to regulate our life at our discretion. Only ourselves. And we ourselves transfer control to the wrong hands, into the hands of manipulators, advertisers, authorities. Which, in fact, has nothing to do with our benefit, satisfaction or happiness. They have their own interests. And, as a rule, their interests are contrary to the interests of a particular person.
So the choice is not great. Or you manage it yourself. Or they manage for you to the detriment of your benefit and well-being.
Progress is now making it possible to eliminate deficits much more efficiently than it was 50 years ago.
Thanks to the Internet, any person has access to almost any knowledge and this makes it easy to achieve an abundance of knowledge.
Even the lack of knowledge of languages with the help of google-translate has decreased significantly.
And thanks to e-mail, social networks, video and audio Internet communication technologies, the communication deficit has been virtually eliminated.
Just as a person plans wakefulness and sleep, food and intervals between meals, experiencing a lack of rest or a deficit called "hunger", just as you can plan the activity, duration and sequence of other daily activities.
For example, communication is important. But if communication in social networks is in great excess, then such categories as study, communication in the family, health from lack of mobility may suffer.
But if such an aspect of communication as social networks is important and necessary for a specific person, then it is necessary to allocate time for him so that there is no feeling of scarcity. And for some, this communication is completely irrelevant and unnecessary. Such a person will not have a “social network” column on the chart, and maybe the “communication” column will not.
Since communication is a very broad category, you need to track with whom and how long this communication takes place. And isn't communication with important people, for example, family and friends, being replaced by communication with people of little importance to a person - casual acquaintances, etc.
After all, the amount of communication with just anyone will not grow into the quality of communication with those with whom this communication is significant and important.
This is as obvious as a trip on the subway with many people around does not develop into a friendship.
How else can you use the scarcity and abundance approach to self-control life?
For example, if you need to do several projects at the same time (in one day, week, month).
Each of the projects at one time or another is in short supply or abundance. Hobbies are in short supply when you do school lessons. School performance is in short supply if you are busy playing games or engrossed in hobbies.
Everyone knows that you need to devote time to everything. And school, and communication, and hobbies and rest. But not everyone succeeds. Perhaps, using a simple scale of scarcity and abundance, it will be easier for these people to manage their lives and their needs in order to achieve greater harmony and satisfaction.
You can insure yourself in this way. One hour for one project. And no matter what happens (after all, projects are delaying) in an hour, change the project and work on another.
Adults think they are very smart. But are they so different from the playful children who do not want to go to bed, come back from the rides or forget to call their parents? They do not differ. Adults in the same way sit up at a party or in front of the TV, and at this time all their other projects and categories - communication with family, children, work are in a strong deficit. And the consequences in the form of scandals only exacerbate this deficit.
It is important to understand that the presence of one deficit pulls other categories into the deficit zone. This is how health deficits will affect academic performance and communication. And a security deficit will take resources away and drive virtually any category into a deficit zone.
Likewise, excess health, good grades, or knowledge will pull other categories out of the scarce zone into the abundance zone.
The hardest part of using the concepts of scarcity and abundance is to understand where the scarcity is real and where the imaginary one. This requires being honest with yourself and analyzing your desires and aspirations.
As we have already found out on the example of phones or cars, very often the feeling of scarcity is not true, but false, imposed by advertising, attitudes, upbringing, parents, friends, habitual stereotypes.
It is said that people who survived the blockade experienced stress if there was no bread in the house. At the same time, there could be a lot of other food. But the lack of bread was seen by these people as a disaster. False, of course. There was no food shortage. But the experience of the blockade, when the availability of bread and life were directly linked, led to a distortion of the feeling of scarcity in the well-fed time.
One of the ways to understand - a true deficit or an imaginary one - may be to replace the item of scarcity with its function.
For example, the function of bread is to satisfy hunger. This means that if there is other food at home that can satisfy hunger, then you can not run for bread and not waste the resource "time", moreover, risking the resource "health", especially at the time of the flu epidemic.
Likewise with the phone. The function of the phone is not in its value or the prestige of the brand, but in the ability to make calls, access the Internet, etc.
Considering functions, not things, you can get rid of the information noise generated by advertising, habits, customs, attitudes.
We are surrounded by patterns that prevent us from understanding the true deficits in our lives.
Successful person template, appearance template, good child template, friend template, boy template and girl template. We use and apply these patterns without analysis and without correlating with our real desires, deficits, talents.
And since all people are different, and the templates are the same, there is not a single person who would "fit" into all the templates. And this is the source of dissatisfaction and unhappiness.
But why strive for someone else's template? It makes more sense to strive for personal satisfaction and for your own happiness.
In addition, the templates, as a rule, are so amorphous and blurred that it is simply impossible to fit into them. Well, don't. It is better to spend time, energy, and resources identifying your deficits and achieving your abundance than following someone else's ephemeral patterns.