Scarcity and abundance


From the book by Andrey Sokolov "Scarcity and abundance".

Interference. Deficit elimination.

Let's return to our task of achieving a state of contentment in our personal life. And let's see who and what, besides ourselves, hinders us in this.

One of the factors that prevents us from achieving satisfaction is the attitudes we received in childhood, the customs of society, public opinion.

Moreover, all these attitudes, as a rule, are in a categorical contradiction with our personal aspirations.

And this is not strange at all. All of them are just echoes of limitations, artificial deficits, applied or applied to control our life from outside.

After all, it is difficult to think of a more effective way of government than fear of hell (in religion), fear of imprisonment for dissent (in totalitarian societies), fear of hunger, an external enemy, spies, etc. Or think about governing through the restrictions on sexuality imposed by both religions and secular authorities. Although, it would seem, what do they care about a private bed. However, there is also a big deal. By creating a shortage of sex, you can easily control a tribe, and a person, and an entire country.

Keeping this in mind, it is important for the reader to abstract from everything superficial and understand their true desires. Identify the true deficits in your life.

By doing this, it will be possible to correlate the deficits with external attitudes and understand whether it is possible in these conditions to influence your personal deficit. Or it is necessary to take additional actions in order not to be in a deficit zone, for example, regarding security. And if it is impossible to reduce the deficit in a specific environment (village, community, country, company), then you need to change the environment (community, city, friends, country).

People often do just that - instinctively or on a whim. And if they do it deliberately, then the effectiveness of their actions will be higher.

It is important to remember that changing the environment is not a challenge, nor is it a "jump for flags", as in Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Hunting for Wolves".

This is what we do when we are cold. We are looking for a place to keep warm. We change the cold street to a warm room, heat up the stove, turn on the heater.

In medicine, there is such a concept - the elimination of allergens. This means that if a person is allergic to any product, but he stops using this product, then the allergy symptoms will disappear. Health deficiency is eliminated.

When allergic to pollen, people move from one region to another, often changing the climate zone. They move to a place where there are no plants that cause allergies in this person.

They move in order to just solve the problem of health deficit.

And if the state creates a security deficit, then the move becomes an obvious necessity.

If parents put forward unacceptable requirements, children begin to live separately from their parents.

That is, we are constantly changing the environment, leaving the scarce zone in order to reach the zone of abundance.

Thus, it is sometimes required to physically leave the scarce zone in order to be in the zone of abundance.

An important consequence of the conscious use of the system of scarcity and abundance is to obtain an algorithm for countering manipulation.

After all, not only the person himself is often deceived by a false sense of scarcity and abundance.

Manipulation with scarcity and abundance is a favorite way of manipulating human behavior.

Advertising creates a false sense of lack of love, health, beauty or success by imposing the purchase of any product.

States, creating a false sense of an external threat, increase their military budget under the guise of concern for society, i.e. manipulating the concept of security and fear.

And often all this is a lie.

However, if a person has a personal ruler to measure the real amount of scarcity and abundance, then it is already more difficult to deceive him. Of course it is possible. But harder. The person begins to clearly realize where he is experiencing a deficit.

Having calculated the deficit category on his own, a person stops wandering in the fog of the concept of "everything is bad". Now he knows what exactly is "bad" in this particular place. Understands which category is causing the deficit. And it can work with that particular category.

The concept "everything is bad" arises because one deficit category inevitably affects all the others, dragging them into the deficit zone.

Take security, for example. After all, it is with this category that the authorities like to operate in order to rob people of money, rights or freedom.

A person experiencing a security deficit, concentrates less on studies and academic performance deteriorates, a person becomes less relaxed and calm - relationships suffer, shifting to a deficit zone, gets nervous - and this leads to a health deficit. Those. "everything is bad".

However ... not all. Initially, the security category was in short supply.

This means that it is necessary to resolve the issue with this category.

Install an alarm, armored door, buy a means of self-defense or change your place of residence, class, school, company, district, city, country.

One of the most common deficits is money.

When this deficit occurs in a family, it is important to look at income and expenses. Understand - is it possible to increase income. And will the efforts aimed at this be adequate for the money received. Look at the costs - after all, it is quite possible that there are costs for unnecessary shopping, entertainment, hobbies, "prestige", which only cover up the lack of relationships and love in the family or a complex of self-doubt.

The state is also very fond of talking about the lack of money and raising taxes under this pretext. However, isn't it easier to keep costs down? Reduce the number of officials, regulators, bans, licenses, etc. And money will immediately appear. Stop financing the costs of fighting imaginary threats, catching witches, etc. And it turns out that there is no deficit.

So, in both advertising analysis and TV news analysis, it is important to ask yourself, what kind of scarcity does this message want to create?

The illusion of a lack of security? Are there really "enemies"? The illusion of love deficit? Will the new deodorant really reduce the lack of attraction? Will the new phone really reduce the communication deficit? After all, the interlocutor does not see either the new or the old phone. You call him - he does not see you. And is this deficit real? Does it really exist, or do you follow the "generally accepted norms"?

If you follow, it means that they control you.

Having found out the real deficit, you can look for ways to eliminate it.

It is possible that the shortage of living space can be reduced by rearranging furniture, getting rid of unnecessary things, redevelopment, etc.

And to eliminate the lack of communication, it may not be necessary to spend money and time for a personal meeting, but a telephone conversation, social network, Skype, etc. is quite enough. Maybe you just need to install a free program on your computer or smartphone and communicate?

What will be the result? Having subjected the message to analysis, having found out what deficit this message is manipulating, it will be possible to make a decision consciously. And if, for example, the purchase does not take place as a result, then there will be no shortage of money.