Creativity, invention
From the book by Andrey Sokolov and Tatiana Sokolova "The world and humans for students and their parents".
Creativity, invention.
Creative and enterprising people, and just many of us, are often overcome by doubts and fears. This interferes with our self-realization and the creation of new projects, inventions, theories, works of art and even the creation of a happy family and a harmonious personal life.
Everyone who wants to start a new business, project, comes up with an idea, sits down to write a text or draw a picture, or starts a new relationship, faces several typical fears:
1. Fear of error.
2. Fear of judgment.
3. Fear that efforts and results will be inadequately appreciated by others.
4. Fear that it will not work. Fear of failure.
5. Fear that what is conceived goes beyond the boundaries and boundaries (personal, social, family, educational, professional, etc.)
6. Fear that the plan is impossible to implement.
Are these fears justified?
There will be errors. It is difficult to imagine a situation when a person does something for the first time (in his life or in history) and at the same time avoids mistakes. Mistakes are inevitable. So is there any point in being afraid of them? Error analysis leads to success.
There will be condemnation too. There will always be someone or those who do not like what someone else is doing. Condemnation, vicious criticism and abuse will also be. Certainly. Out of envy, out of a desire to rise at the expense of the humiliated, out of stupidity and even just like that. This is as inevitable as death, taxes and the onset of winter.
If the case is new. If it's worth it. If this brings changes to the world or to personal life, then there will always be those who want to swear. But what is their business? And is it worth paying attention to them? The Creator creates the world. And the ohalnik only knows how to destroy it. He is sterile. And it makes him angry. He strikes anger at the creators.
Even if the case "burns out", it will always be assessed inadequately. And those who praise. And those who scold. For one simple reason - they will never understand the true intention of the creator. Simply because it is not their creation. They will mistake mistakes for achievements and achievements for mistakes. They will exalt to the skies and mix with dirt. And all this will be completely inadequate to creation.
Could it fail? Maybe, of course.
And if you do not start, do not do, then it will not work for sure. 100% that will not work.
The only way to create something is to start and do, play and create until the end.
Will this go beyond the scope? Will be. If this is something new for the creator or for the world, then going beyond is inevitable. For personal or conventional. Beyond the creative or scientific school. Beyond the accepted dogmas and patterns. Beyond the boundaries of the usual forms, colors, methods and technologies. But that's how the wheel, the plane, the writing and the computer were created. This is how everything around us was created, from stone tools and hearths in caves, to the latest gadgets, works of art, fundamental theories and skyscrapers. That is how man created great sculptures and that is how he left the Earth and sent probes to distant stars. But once it was considered impossible.
What is the creator to do?
How can these inevitable fears and doubts be overcome?
You just need to become God. Your own.
And then all fears and doubts will disappear. As soon as you feel like God.
Well, what does God care what ants, atheists, or even believers think of him? What does it matter to God that someone else thinks of his creation?
Can an ant or something created by God adequately evaluate his plan and the result of creativity?
Can something fail if before that there was only “emptiness” and “and the Spirit of God was hovering over the water”? Something will certainly work out, if, of course, you do it.
And how can anyone judge the mistakes of creation, except for the creator God?
And what limits or boundaries can God have? Can God be limited by something in his creativity, intention, aspirations? It's funny even to think about this.
And is there something impossible for God?
And if someone thinks that being God is something fantastic, then he is mistaken. For a small child, mom and dad are Gods. For the ant, and man is God.
It is difficult for us to imagine ourselves as gods, because for many centuries we have been living in the paradigm of monotheism: Christianity, Judaism, Islam. But an ancient Greek or Roman could easily imagine how he, having accomplished something important and heroic, like the immortal heroes of legends, becomes God. In Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome there were many gods, and the transformation of man into God took place in almost every legend or myth. And these myths were then no less sacred and true than the Koran, the Gospels or the Bible are now.
So the recipe for fear and doubt is this: become God and create your own worlds.
There can be many worlds. Family is one world. Each act of creativity is a new world (every poem, book, picture, melody). And the artist, the creator in this world is God. Business, idea, project is another world (or worlds).
You are now God. And you decide how many and what worlds to create. What size they will be, by whom and with what to populate them, where to create them.
“Being God” in carrying out your plans is not vanity or pride. It is an effective organization of thinking to achieve maximum results. This is a way to overcome fears and doubts.
If you don't like becoming God. Don't like the etymology and semantics of this word? Well, then become a Big Bang and create many worlds at once. The universe. What can hinder you, besides yourself? The place is still empty, there is neither time nor space in it. And it is waiting for your act of creation, your Big Bang.