The world and humans for students and their parents


From the book by Andrey Sokolov and Tatiana Sokolova "The world and humans for students and their parents".


It may be too early for you to think about work. Maybe it's just about time.

Those children who have decided what they will do when they grow up have a goal. And this increases their efficiency.

And it happens otherwise. It happens that only after graduating from the institute, a person suddenly realizes that he does not know what he wants to do. He went to the institute "for the company". Or because the parents advised. Or someone else. Someone made the choice for him. And he never learned to make a choice, to set his own goals. He didn't learn to dream and see myself in the future.

But besides work "for the future", there is work "for today". After all, it is much more pleasant to be independent and spend your money than to beg from your parents. At the same time, it allows you to learn financial planning. And at the same time, find out what each coin, earned independently or earned by parents, is worth.

If we speak “for the future”, then let's see what kind of work there are. Not to existing professions, of which there are many and some of which will disappear by the time you graduate.

We will take a look at what kind of work there are in principle.

The most common option is to work for someone, work for hire. For example, cashiers in a supermarket, postmen at the post office, teachers in schools and doctors in hospitals work. This is how builders and policemen, soldiers and officers, scientists and airliner pilots work. It is the most common type of work. Its essence lies in the fact that a person comes to a factory or to a firm created by someone else and sells his time, knowledge and skills for a salary.

This type of work is divided into private and government, depending on who created the company, to which the person sells his time.

There are private enterprises - factories, private schools and hospitals, private airlines, ships, computer firms, which belong to a particular person or a group of people called shareholders. And there are public schools and hospitals, the army, the police and the administrative divisions of all kinds of government agencies.

The general principle of work for hire is to carry out other people's tasks, assignments, orders. All this must be done at the hours and days determined by the authorities and commanders (not you). Requires strict adherence to instructions. Initiative and personal desires, as a rule, are not taken into account, and sometimes even punished.

But at the same time, usually, you can count on an equally clearly scheduled rest time, weekends, vacations and a relatively guaranteed pension in several decades.

Another option for work is your own business, private business. It can be small, it can grow large and even very large. One's business gives very ample opportunities for initiative, realization of one's ideas and desires. True, without a guarantee of success. You can build a successful business, but you can also go bust, losing time, money and wasting your energy.

If you have started your own private business, then no one guarantees you a salary, rest from work in the evenings, weekends, vacations and retirement. And for the first time, which can take years, your income may be less than the salaries of the people you hire.

But if the business succeeds, if your business is successful, then at some point you will start earning more than the employees you hired. And maybe much more. Perhaps you will have time to relax, and you yourself will decide when to rest, when to work, and when to go to the beach or on a trip. And in the end, once you sell your business, you can safely retire. Those. live on the money already earned and not work. This can happen in five or ten years. But it may never happen.

The principle is simple. Your business - more freedom, perhaps more money and the realization of your desires, but also a greater risk than hiring. And when hiring - there is less freedom, fulfillment of someone else's will, less money, but there are some guarantees and less risk.

In addition, there is a third option - working for yourself. You don't hire anyone, you don't depend on anyone, you completely risk your time, money, efforts, but you also have complete control over everything. Nobody pays you a salary, does not give you days off and holidays, does not promise a pension. You are free to take on someone else's order or do something of your own and try to sell. This is how artists, writers, many musicians, lawyers, private doctors and tutors live. This is how builders and craftsmen, artisans, car mechanics and many others sometimes live. Lots of risks, few guarantees, lots of freedom. Nobody but you decides what and when to do.

If you are lucky and, for example, you write a bestseller that wants to buy a publishing house from you and publish it in a million copies, then you can immediately retire, write and live as you please. But this is only possible hypothetically. Chances are quite high that for a very long time you will not be able to sell either your texts or your canvases.

In the case of a car mechanic or a private doctor, the risk is less. Cars break down, people get sick and are looking for a good specialist who can help them. Therefore, the risk is less. But the remuneration for work is also less.

Actually, these four components - money, freedom, guarantees and risk - are in constant conjunction and are opposite to each other. If there is a lot of freedom, then there are few guarantees. If there is a lot of money, then there is a lot of risk. Less risk - more guarantees - less money - less freedom.