Losers and teapots
From the book by Andrey Sokolov and Tatiana Sokolova "The world and humans for students and their parents".
Losers and teapots.
What do people mean when they say "professional in their field"? Is this a person who follows instructions well and completes a task clearly? But what (or who) is the evaluation criterion?
One will say "cool", and the other "nightmare"! Does this mean that you are not a professional and did a bad job? Or this have different tastes, experiences, ideas about a job well done.
If the indicator of professionalism is remuneration, then a professional is any person who receives a salary for his work, even if he does it for the first time and not good.
If a professional is from the word profession, then we find ourselves stuck in the fact that many work not in their specialty, not with a diploma. And someone works "according to the diploma" very badly.
It turns out that a professional or a teapot is a very subjective assessment without clear criteria for comparison.
But comparisons haunt us all our lives.
"Almost like Schwarzenegger's."
"Almost like dad (mom)."
"It looks like Dali (Monet)."
"A little more and you'll be like ..."
Comparisons are poison. A deadly poison for the person. We will never be able to meet other people's requirements - to become someone with whom it is impossible to compare. The transmigration of souls and the exchange of bodies are from the category of fantasy.
Comparisons dictate - change. How many times?
But given the dishonesty of the attackers (there are more of them and they are armed, but you are not), the person being compared has no chance.
You can compare yourself. With myself. Every day to be better than yesterday,
to rejoice at the next step in the chosen direction.
We are all teapots in some matters and knowledgeable in others.