Meaning of life
From the book by Andrey Sokolov and Tatiana Sokolova "The world and humans for students and their parents".
Meaning of life
Andrey Makarevich has a wonderful song:
“I see the meaning of this life in
So that not sparing either soul or body,
Go ahead, love and do business,
Not leaving yourself for later. "
This song, like most good poetry, can replace entire chapters, books and volumes.
But our book is written in prose.
Let's try to figure out the question “what is the meaning of life?”, which was tormented by sages and writers of all times, which people often ask themselves. And they do not find an answer.
Well, we will try. If not, then at least outline the path to this answer.
However, it seems that we have written about this in almost every chapter of this book. And in almost every chapter, the reader has a choice of which path to follow.
"Get out on your own track" sang Vladimir Vysotsky.
After all, the purpose of life is not a result. This is the way. Every step of this path.
Each time you have to choose in which direction to take this step. And you have to choose yourself. After all, blindly following everyone, following the crowd, it is easy to reach a dead end or to be on the edge of an abyss.
We believe that it is very important to find a job to your liking, a job that you like. Someone wise said that you need to choose that occupation and look for a job that you are ready to do for free. Just because you like it or you think you need it.
Do you think it’s too early for you to think about work, about the business that you will do after school? You are wrong. One must think about the future before it comes.
However, you need to think constantly. And not only about the future, but also about each of his actions.
The teacher of TRIZ - the theory of inventive problem solving - Yuri Tamberg proposes such a method of checking for each step - “the general criterion for assessing the quality of all affairs on Earth: increasing good in the world”.
We have already figured out what is good and what is evil. We even found out that each of us is at least slightly different from the others. And you probably guess that there are many roads and paths, as well thickets and windbreaks on the way to goodness. And every free person chooses his own path for himself. He decides himself where to put his foot, making the next step.
In order not to go astray on the road to increasing goodness, you can use the "compass" invented by Immanuel Kant: "Act only according to such a maxim, being guided by which you can at the same time wish it to become a universal law". That is, will it be good if all people on Earth do the same.
Once, sailors used the North Star to navigate the sea, calculating the cardinal directions with its help.
And until now, each individual person independently makes his own route, guided by the Sun during the day and by the stars at night, like the discoverers of antiquity.
Everyone has their own landmarks. Sometimes these guidelines are false. Sometimes the compass given to the child by parents, friends, teachers and even books is defective and buggy, directing his ship to the iceberg. We have tried to make this book a reliable compass for you.