The world and humans for students and their parents


From the book by Andrey Sokolov and Tatiana Sokolova "The world and humans for students and their parents".


Let's look at responsible behavior using the simplest example - food.

Most of us do not think about what he eats and how it affects the world around him and his health. It would be delicious and satisfying, and the rest is not important.

But there are people who consciously change their eating habits and thus change attitude towards the world.

As an example, let's look at a fairly large group of people who deliberately give up meat products. Let's look at the reasons that drove these people and how their new habits are affecting the world.

Some vegetarians ditch meat in favor of plant-based foods solely for their health and longevity. And this is a smart decision. Scientists have found that vegetarians live on average 9% longer than people who eat meat.

It may seem to you that this is not a lot, but this is 5-10 years of life, taking into account the average life expectancy for you and your peers. But this is not even the main point. It's about the quality of this life. After all, it's one thing whether a person lives actively - walking, doing what he loves, meeting with friends. And it is completely different when a person constantly goes to the doctors or is in the hospital.

One of the most common causes of disability and death in modern society is heart and vascular disease. And this is something that almost never happens to vegetarians, but very often happens to people who eat meat.

The second reason people become vegetarians is empathy.

Indeed, in order to make a cutlet, shish kebab, sausage, hamburger or sausage, you need to kill a pig, cow or chicken. And here excuses do not help - "we growed them for this". Murder remains murder.

Let's imagine a farm of cannibals who raise people to eat them later. Would we like to be on such a farm? Would it suit us to justify the cannibals “we raised and fed them, therefore we have the right to kill and eat”?

The third reason people become vegetarians is to protect nature. Not individual specific animals, but all nature in general.

Indeed, in order to make a sausage or cutlet, you need a field on which the cattle will graze. You need a field on which to grow animal feed for the winter. And in order to create a field, you need to cut down the forest. And the forest is the oxygen in the atmosphere that we breathe. Forest is the absorption of carbon dioxide and other air components harmful to humans.

After all, the forest is home to a huge number of wild animals.

Would we like our houses to be demolished and a field was built in their place to make a few kilograms of barbecue?

Do we want not only the animals themselves, but also the number of their species on earth to become less due to our fault? After all, animals deprived of their "home" die.

Are we willing to pay for a sandwich with sausage, even if it is very tasty, such a price - the price of the lives of others?